Operations Manager, Board Certified Entomologist
Mike began his career in pest control while attending Texas A&M University in 1976, when he worked as a service technician. In 1979, he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in entomology, specializing in urban pest management. After graduation, he moved to Dallas and worked with a company specializing in commercial pest control, where he started as a technician. Within a year he became a service manager, and ever since, he has worked in some form or facet of the pest control industry. In August of 2012 he found his way to Entex Pest Solutions, helping manage the copmany’s commercial and mosquito control operations. Mike brings more than 38 years of experience and is board certified by the Entomological Society of America (B.C.E.). He is also a Certified Applicator in the state of Texas in the following categories – pest, termite, lawn & ornamental, weed, structural fumigation and commodity fumigation.